Suwanee Masjid Sunday School

Welcome to Suwanee Masjid (GIC) Sunday School

Our Mission

To create an engaging, enjoyable, and educational environment where our children look forward to making Muslim friends and learning about Islam.

Our Vision

That our children's hearts are attached to the masjid and that they pursue Islamic knowledge throughout their lives.


Registration is closed for the 2024-25 school year. Please check back in May, inshaAllah for enrollment.


As we prepare for Ramadan, Suwanee Masjid, in collaboration with ICNA Relief Georgia, is launching our annual food box initiative to support families in need. This year, our goal is to provide 75 food boxes, each costing $75. These boxes are Zakat-eligible and will help sustain families throughout the blessed month.

We also invite you to join us for the packing event on March 15th in Decatur.

Program Details

  • Eligible Students: Boys and girls, 6 and older, in grades 1-12. Must be at least 6 years old by September 1, 2024.
  • Limited Seats: Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Curriculum Overview:
    • Grades 1-8: Students will have Islamic studies and Salah classes, assigned by school grade level.
    • Grades 9-12: Students engage in specialized Youth Group program.
  • Timings: Sundays, 11 AM - 2 PM. Please see calendar for school holidays.
  • Contact Us:

Registration Fees

Tuition costs for the year are listed below. Discounts are available for those who opt to pay in full, and financial aid options are offered to assist families in need.

Number of Children Payment

School Calendar

Dates are subject to change, please check back regularly.