Nikah Information - Suwanee Masjid

The Islamic Marriage

What is an Islamic Marriage?

The Islamic Marriage is a contract between a male and female couple who are lawfully permitted to marry, the purpose of which is to establish a bond for shared life and offspring

Legal Recognition of Nikah and License Requirement

While a Nikah fulfills Islamic requirements for marriage, it does not constitute a legal marriage in the United States. Legal recognition requires a marriage license from local authorities. A valid marriage license from your local County Probate Court is required before performing a Nikah. This is to ensure the safety of all parties involved.

Requirements for an Islamic Marriage

To be married under Islamic law, a Nikah ceremony must be performed. The specific requirements are listed below:

  1. A Wali: The explicit permission of the Wali is required for the bride during the Nikah. It is recommended that the father or, in his absence, the brother or paternal uncle of the bride acts as the Wali.
  2. Mutual consent: Ijab Wal Qubul between the bride and groom. This involves the explicit consent of the Wali and Bride making a proposal of marriage and the acceptance of the proposal by the groom.
  3. Shahadah: Two sane, adult Muslim male witnesses, or one male and two females, all of whom must be of upright devout character and standing.
  4. Mahr: A dowry paid by the groom to the bride exceeding the legal minimum amount.

In addition to the above Islamic Requirements, Gwinnett Islamic Circle (GIC) | Suwanee Masjid includes additional requirements:

  1. A valid marriage license from the local County Probate Court.
  2. Filling out the form (linked below).
  3. A written contract which includes the full names of the Wali, Bride, Groom, and all of the witnesses. This written contract is provided by Gwinnett Islamic Circle (GIC) | Suwanee Masjid.

“Our Lord! Gift to us spouses and progeny which are the coolness to our eyes and make us models for the righteous.” (Surah Al-Furqan 25:74)